The Legend of Korra‘s series finale is often considered the modern day kick-off of queer animation. The episode also features the super gay break-up anthem “I’m Just Your Problem.” PB gives up her most sentimental possession - a t-shirt given to her by Marcy - to get Marcy’s most sentimental possession (her teddy bear!) back from the bog witch who stole it. “Sky Witch” confirms what Adventure Time‘s queer fans long believed: that Marceline and Princess Bubblegum are ex-girlfriends whose present day animosity is rooted in broken hearts. I hope you’ll add your favorites in the comments! And so I’ve done a deep dive and assembled a list of 30 of the best lesbian, bisexual, and queer episodes of animated TV.
When I started writing about gay TV, there were no queer characters on all-ages TV at all, and now there’s more than I can even keep up with. I’ve never grown out of my love for cartoons, and it’s a good thing because I firmly believe some of the best LGBTQ+ storytelling to ever grace our teevees has happened in animated series.